Iqbal, S., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2015). Employees as performers in knowledge intensive firms: role of knowledge sharing.
International Journal of Manpower. 36(7), 1072-1094
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

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Abdul-Jalal, H., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2014). Knowledge sharing success for sustaining organisational competitive advantage.
Procedia Economics and Finance. 7, 150-157 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Irawanto, D., Ramsey, PL., & Tweed, DM. (2013). The paternalistic relationship: Authenticity and credibility as a source of healthy relationships.
The Journal of Values-Based Leadership. 6(1),
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Iqbal, S., Toulson, PK., & Tweed, DM. (2012). Why employees share or hide their knowledge: Role of HRM in organisations.
The Journal of Human Resources and Adult Learning. 17(1), 22-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Irawanto, D., Ramsey, PL., & Tweed, DM. (2012). Exploring paternalistic leadership and its application to the Indonesian public sector.
The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services. 8(1), 4-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

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Tweed, DM. (2008). Start-up Firms and Corporate Governance.
Management: The Leaders' Magazine. , 67-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, C., Lewis, K., Warriner, V., Harris, C., Tweed, D., Cheyne, J., . . . Cameron, A. (2006). Exploring Firm Development in the Context of New Zealand SMEs.
Small Enterprise Research. 14(1), 1-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Massey, CL., Lewis, KV., Warriner, VC., Harris, C., Tweed, DM., Cheyne, JM., . . . Cameron, AF. (2006). Exploring firm development in the context of New Zealand SMEs.
Small Enterprise Research. 14(1), 1-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2005). Learning and leadership in the New Zealand biotechnology industry: Innovation and human capital in the new economy.
International Business and Economics Research Journal. 4(4), 45-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Mcgregor, J., Tweed, D., & Pech, R. (2004). Human capital in the new economy: Devil's bargain?.
Journal of Intellectual Capital. 5(1), 153-164
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Kolb, D., McGregor, J., & Tweed, DM. (2003). Learning in new economy companies: Part 1.
Human Resources. 8(4), 14-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, C., Tweed, D., & Lewis, K. (2003). New Zealand's BIZ training programme: Service provider perspectives.
Education + Training. 45, 439-448
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Kolb, D., Mcgregor, J., & Tweed, DM. (2003). Learning in new economy companies: Part 2.
Human Resources. 8(5), 18-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., & Tweed, D. (2002). Profiling a new generation of female small business owners in New Zealand: Networking, mentoring and growth.
Gender, Work and Organization. 9(4), 420-438
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Massey, CL., Cameron, AF., & Tweed, DM. (2001). More skills - Better businesses?.
Chartered Accountants Journal For New Zealand. 80(10), 14-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Mcgregor, J., & Tweed, D. (2001). Gender and managerial competence: Support for theories of androgyny?.
Women in Management Review. 16(6), 279-287
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Simpson, B., McGregor, J., Seidel, R., Kolb, D., Henley King, JS., & Tweed, DM. (2000). Learning in the manufactoring sector.
University of Auckland Business Review. 2(1), 39-50
[Journal article]Authored by: Henley-King, J., Tweed, D.
Cameron, AF., Massey, CL., & Tweed, DM. (2000). Entrepreneurs - A vital force? : Are a country's entrepreneurial culture and economic growth linked?.
Chartered Accountants Journal for New Zealand. 79(10), 10-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

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Kerehoma, C., Mika, J., Tweed, D., & Rao, V.(2020).
Re-imagining economy, people and community: The promise of the Aroha Economy. . Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Rao, V., Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Iqbal, S., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2013). The Impact of HRM Practices on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour: Unexpected Results From Knowledge Intensive Firms. In A. Green (Ed.)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING (ICICKM-2013). (pp. 195 - 204). : 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Ye, L., Tweed, DM., & Toulson, PK.(2012).
Challenges and obstacles faced by small and medium sized businesses (SMES) in China. Paper presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 57th World Conference of the International Council for Small Business. Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Iqbal, S., Toulson, P., & Tweed, DM.
The role of HRM practices as benchmarks in knowledge management:
An empirical study. . Auckland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Ye, L., Tweed, D., & Toulson, P.(2012).
A Historical Review of Chinese Business Policies and the Development of SMBs. Paper presented at the meeting of PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH WEST LAKE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMALL & MEDIUM BUSINESS (WLICSMB 2011). Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

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Ye, L, ., Tweed, DM., & Toulson, PK.(2011).
A historical review of Chinese business policies and the development of SMBs. . Hong Zhou, China
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Ye, L., & Tweed, D.(2010, October). Emerging Management Practices in Chinese SMBs: An Examination of Western Influence through Globalisation and Overseas Education.
[Conference]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Ye, L., Tweed, D., & Toulson, P. (2011). Knowledge Management in the East: A Chinese Manufacturing Case Study. In V. Ribiere, & L. Worasinchai (Eds.)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING, VOLS 1 AND 2. (pp. 818 - 825). : 8th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Iqbal, S., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2011). HRM Practices and Individual Knowledge-Sharing: An Empirical Study of Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan. In V. Ribiere, & L. Worasinchai (Eds.)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING, VOLS 1 AND 2. (pp. 699 - 708). : 8th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Jalal, HA., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2011). Exploring Employee Perceptions of the Relationships Among Knowledge Sharing Capability, Organisational Culture and Knowledge Sharing Success: Their Implications for HRM Practice. In V. Ribiere, & L. Worasinchai (Eds.)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING, VOLS 1 AND 2. (pp. 639 - 646). : 8th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Ye, L., & Tweed, DM.
Emerging management practices in Chinese SMBs: An examination of Western influence through globalisation and overseas education.. . Hong Zhou, China
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Iqbal, S., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2010). The Impact of HRM Practices on Organisational Capability Mediated by Knowledge Sharing: A Conceptual Model. In E. Tsui (Ed.)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING. (pp. 575 - 583). : 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Jalal, HA., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2010). Organisational Cultural Values for Successful Knowledge Sharing: The Case of Malaysia. In E. Tsui (Ed.)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING. (pp. 547 - 554). : 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Iqbal, S., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D. (2010). Tacit Knowledge sharing practices and organisational effectiveness: A review of literature. In AM. Rawani, H. Kettani, & Z. Lian (Eds.)
PROCEEDINGS OF 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION, MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE. (pp. 192 - 196). : 2010 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Abdul Jalal, H., Toulson, P., & Tweed, D.(2010).
Human resource (HR)knowledge sharing capability, organisational culture and knowledge-sharing success: Implications for HRM practice. . School of Business, University of Auckland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Irawanto, D., Ramsey, P., & Tweed, D.(2010).
The paternalistic relationship: Authenticity and credibility as a source of healthy relationships. . Bangkok, Thailand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ramsey, P., Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Abdul Jalal, HB., Toulson, PK., & Tweed, DM. (2009). Organisational culture knowledge sharing capability and knowledge sharing success: A conceptual framework. In
The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations(pp. 47 - 47). : National Taiwan University and Staffordshire University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Abdul Jalal, HB., Toulson, PK., & Tweed, DM. (2009, June). Organizational culture knowledge sharing capability & knowledge sharing success: A conceptual framework. Presented at
4th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations: Knowledge Management & Service Science. Taipei, Taiwan.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.Read Abstract:

Tweed, DM. (2006, February). Enterprise performance and written business plans: Is there any relationship?. Presented at
4th Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research. Massey University, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM. (2006). Enterprise performance and written business plans: Is there any relationship?. In
4th Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research(pp. 49 - 52). : Massey University, New Zealand Centre for SME Research
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Chen, Z. (2006). Consultant engagement in SME's: Roles, expertise, and client selection priorities.
The 2006 European Applied Business Research Conference and the 2006 College Teaching and Learning Conference: Proceedings.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM. (2006, June). Consultant engagement in SME's: Roles, expertise, and client selection priorities. Presented at
The 2006 European Applied Business Research Conference and the 2006 College Teaching and Learning Conference. Siena, Italy.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Chen, Z. (2006). Consulting engagement effectiveness: Comparing client expectations with satisfaction.
The 2006 European Applied Business Research Conference and the 2006 College Teaching and Learning Conference: Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 15).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Chen, Z. (2006, June). Consulting engagement effectiveness: Comparing client expectations with satisfaction. Presented at
The 2006 European Applied Business Research Conference and the 2006 College Teaching and Learning Conference. Florence, Italy.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Cardow, AG., Jurado, TR., Massey, CL., Perry, M., & Tweed, DM. (2006, February). Telling tales: A report on NZ SMEs and their relations with banks and accountants. Presented at
4th Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research. Massey University, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Cardow, A., Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Hawkins, CP. (2005, June). Consultant use and performance: The views of SME owner/operators. Presented at
The European Applied Business Research Conference and the College Teaching and Learning Conference. Athens, Greece.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Mayampurath, V. (2005, June). The effect of technological learning on firm performance over time: Findings from New Zealand SMEs. Presented at
The European Applied Business Research Conference and the College Teaching and Learning Conference. Athens, Greece.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2005, May). Seven years and still trading: Exploding the high SME mortality myth. Presented at
2005 Hawaii International Conference on Business. Honolulu, HI.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM. (2005, February). Eighty percent do not fail: Exploding an SME myth. Presented at
3rd Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research. Massey University, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM. (2005, February). Consultant engagement in SMEs: Findings from the NZ Enterprise survey. Presented at
3rd Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research. Massey University, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM. (2005). Eighty percent do not fail: Exploding an SME myth.
3rd Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research. (pp. 49 - 53). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM. (2005). Consultant engagement in SMEs: Findings from the New Zealand Enterprise survey.
3rd Symposium of the New Zealand Centre for SME Research. (pp. 33 - 37). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2005). Seven years and still trading: Exploding the high SME mortality myth.
5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business. (pp. unpaged). Honolulu HI
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Hawkins, C. (2005). The effect of technological learning on firm performance over time: Findings from New Zealand SMEs.
The European Applied Business Research Conference and the College Teaching and Learning Conference Program and Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Littleton, CO
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Hawkins, C. (2005). Consultant use and performance: The views of SME owner/operators.
The European Applied Business Research Conference and the College Teaching and Learning Conference Program and Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Littleton, CO
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2004). Seven years on: The unexpected phenomenon of SME longevity.
18th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. (pp. unpaged). Dunedin, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2004, December). Seven years on: The unexpected phenomenon of SME longevity. Presented at
18th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management: People first, serving our stakeholders. University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., Tweed, DM., & Kirk, D. (2004, August). Technological learning and leadership in New Zealand. Presented at
British Academy of Management Conference. University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2004, June). Learning and leadership in the New Zealand biotechnology industry: Innovation and human capital in the new economy. Presented at
European Applied Business Research Conference. Edinburgh, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., Tweed, DM., & Kirk, D. (2004). Technological learning and leadership in New Zealand.
British Academy of Management 2004 Conference. (pp. unpaged). St Andrews, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2004). Learning and leadership in the New Zealand biotechnology industry: Innovation and human capital in the new economy.
The 2004 European College of Teaching and Learning and Applied Business Research Conferences Program and Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Littleton, CO
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2004). SME longetivity is not an oxymoron: Survivability impacts on policy.
Institute for Small Business Affairs 27th National Conference: Entrepreneurship & SME development: Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Leeds, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, CL., Cameron, AF., Cheyne, JM., Harris, C., Lewis, KV., Tweed, DM., . . . Warriner, VC. (2004). Speaking up: Stories of growth in small & medium enterprises in New Zealand: A report on the Lifecycles and Transitions Project.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bensemann, J., Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., & Tweed, DM. (2003). Overcoming barriers to growth and developing market foresight in SMEs: The New Zealand software industry.
33rd Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business (EISB) Conference: Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Milan, Italy
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, CL., Harris, CJ., Tweed, DM., Warriner, VC., & Lewis, KV. (2003, December). Speaking up: Stories of SME growth in New Zealand. Presented at
A New Zealand Centre for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Research Symposium: Growing Up? SMEs in New Zealand. Massey University, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, CL., Harris, CJ., Tweed, DM., Warriner, VC., & Lewis, KV. (2003). Speaking up: Stories of SME growth in New Zealand. (pp. 15 - 30). , Growing up?: SMEs in New Zealand: New Zealand Centre for SME Research Symposium Wellington, NZ: Massey University, New Zealand Centre for SME Research
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., Mcgregor, J., Pech, RM., & Wallace, CM. (2003). Making capital in the new economy: The role of management competence.
3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business. Honolulu, HI
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2001). Technology change, new product development and performance in manufacturing.
ANZAM 2001: Closing the Divide. Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & McGregor, J. (2001). Exploring the link between technology adoption and the performance of manufacturing enterprises: Empirical evidence from New Zealand.
British Academy of Management Annual Conference. (pp. unpaged). Norwich, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., & Tweed, DM. (2001). Facing the challenge of improving managerial competence in small business: The New Zealand experience.
31st European Small Business Seminar. (pp. 1 - 11). Dublin, Ireland
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, CL., Cameron, AF., & Tweed, DM. (2001, November). The New Zealand experiment and its impact on entrepreneurship. Presented at
XV RENT Conference: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku, Finland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Vitalis, T., Tweed, DM., & Weng, N. (2001). Self managing teams: Evidence from New Zealand. (pp. 97 - 98). , 8th Annual International Conference on Advances in Managment Bowling Green, KY: Center for Advanced Studies in Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Vitalis, A., Low, NW., & Tweed, DM. (2001). New Zealand managers' perceptions of success factors in the implementation of self-managing teams: An exploratory study. , ANZAM 2001: Closing the Divide: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Tweed, DM., & Massey, CL. (2001). Government funded service delivery to SMEs in New Zealand: Is BIZ meeting the needs of owner-managers?.
Creating Innovative Growth Companies: 14th Annual Conference of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 375 - 382). Melbourne, VIC
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, CL., & Tweed, DM. (2001). New directions in New Zealand enterprise assistance: Service providers have their say.
SMEs in a Traditional-and-N@w-Mixed Era: Proceedings of the 46th International Council for Small Business World Conference (CD-Rom). (pp. 1 - 18). Taipei, Taiwan
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Massey, CL., Cameron, AF., & Tweed, DM. (2001). The New Zealand experiment & its impact on entrepreneurship. In PK. Ed (Ed.)
15th RENT Conference: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2001. Vol. 2 (pp. 236 - 248). Turku, Finland
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Vitalis, A., Tweed, DM., & Low, NW. (2001). New Zealand managers' perceptions of success factors in the implementation of self-managing teams: An exploratory study.
International Conference ANZAM 2001: Closing the divide. (pp. unpaged). Auckland, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
Seidel, R., Simpson, B., Tweed, DM., Kolb, D., McGregor, J., & Henley King, JS. (2000). A study of technology uptake processes in manufacturing SMEs. In DR. Hayhurst (Ed.)
33rd MATADOR Conference. (pp. 47 - 52). London, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Henley-King, J., Tweed, D.
Seidel, R., Simpson, B., Kolb, D., McGregor, J., Tweed, DM., & Henley King, JS. (2000). The management of technology and innovation in a New Zealand manufacturing SME.
The R&D Management Conference: Wealth from Knowledge. (pp. 445 - 450). Manchester, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Henley-King, J., Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., & Tweed, DM. (2000). Towards a typology of female entrepreneurship: New directions from a nationwide study.
30th European Small Business Seminar: Entrepreneurship under Difficult Circumstances: Proceedings. (pp. 603 - 613). Gent, Belgium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tweed, D.
McGregor, J., Tweed, DM., Kolb, D., Henley King, JS., Simpson, B., & Seidel, R. (2000). Gender and managerial competence: A comparative study of male and female manufacturers.
British Academy of Management Annual Conference: Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 16). Edinburgh, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Henley-King, J., Tweed, D.
Kolb, D., Tweed, DM., McGregor, J., Henley King, JS., Simpson, B., & Seidel, R. (2000). Organisational learning in small firms: Right-sizing the metaphor.
British Academy of Management Annual Conference: Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 12). Edinburgh, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Henley-King, J., Tweed, D.
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