Mr Ryo Hajika staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136180

Ryo Hajika

Research Laboratory Technical Manager

School of Built Environment

Ryo Hajika is a software/electronics prototyping engineer, Human-Computer Interaction researcher. His research interest is in tangible user interface, XR, physiological sensing, and media art. He has started his HCI research career from his early days at his middle school. He won few awards from Japan's students science research competition with his wearable motion tracking system and interactive system design in 2009 and 2011. Prior to his university entrance, he gained his skillset at a start-up company WESTUNITIS (Osaka, Japan) as a part-time engineer. He published his research projects to many professional research venues, such as VRSJ, Interaction, Entertainment Computing (all Japanese domestic conferences), also some international conferences, such as SIGGRAPH Asia, CHI, VRST, ISMAR. At the Massey University's School of Built Environment, he works as a lab research technical manager to work on various kind of research projects with SBE researchers and students. Ryo has received his Engineering Bachelor degree from Ritsumeikan University, Japan. Previously he was a full-time research engineer at the University of Auckland.

Ryo Hajika is a software/electronics prototyping engineer, Human-Computer Interaction researcher. His research interest is in tangible user interface, XR, physiological sensing, and media art. He explores the intersection of media art and academic research to unearth hidden human factor that moves people from the data using code, and create new value. Ryo has received his Engineering Bachelor degree from Ritsumeikan University, Japan. Previously he was a full-time research engineer at the University of Auckland.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +6492136180
    Location: L2.25, Recreation Centre
    Campus: Auckland

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Electronics, Media Art, Software Prototyping, Physiologcial Sensing

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (080100):
Built Environment And Design (120000):
Computer Software (080300):
Design Practice and Management (120300): Digital and Interaction Design (120304):
Electronic Media Art (190203): Film, Television and Digital Media (190200):
Information And Computing Sciences (080000):
Interactive Media (190205):
Multimedia Programming (080305): Open Software (080306):
Studies In Creative Arts And Writing (190000):
Virtual Reality and Related Simulation (080111):
Visual Arts and Crafts (190500)


Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Electronics, Media Art, Software Prototyping

Research Projects

Summary of Research Projects

Position Current Completed
Team Member 1 0

Consultancy and Languages


  • English
    Last used: Today
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Average
  • Japanese
    Last used: Today
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Media and Links