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Dr Mereana Barrett

Lecturer in Accountancy

School of Accountancy

Her research interests encompass accounting and accountability, stakeholder engagement, sustainability reporting and the impact of climate change on communities in Australia and New Zealand. Mereana holds a Bachelor of Management Studies (Accounting), a Masters of Management (Distinction) from Waikato University (New Zealand), and a PhD from the Department of Accounting, Finance and Risk from Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom).

Mereana Barrett is a lecturer in the School of Accountancy at Albany Campus.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +64 (09) 414 0800 ext 43298
    Location: MBS 1.07, Massey Business School
    Campus: Albany

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Mereana's research looks at

(i) Building Tribal Economies and Measuring Impacts of Collaboration: Integrative Reporting and Kin-Owned Māori Organizations

Assessing collective/kin owned Māori organizations by applying the six capitals of Integrative Reporting (IR), and how Integrative Reporting (IR) enables collective/kin owned Māori organizations to maintain comprehensive value over time.

(ii) Integrated Reporting and Asset Management: Building Capacity in Local Authorities in New Zealand

Assessing how Local Authorities evaluate the consistency of treatment of infrastructural assets according  to accounting and asset management standards.



Resource Development and Management

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Comparative Economic Systems (149901): Economics (140000): Other Economics (149900)