Research and specialist centres , Ngā pūtahi rangahau, mātanga

Research and specialist centres hosted by Massey promote innovative research, technology transfer, and encourage links with national and international research and academic institutions.

National Research Centres

National centres bring experts together from research organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand. They are sponsored by the government or industry groups to focus on a specific work programme contributing to public good outcomes. They often work in collaboration with international research and education organisations.

Riddet Institute

This institute is one of eleven Centres of Research Excellence (CoRE). It produces world class research in food innovation and nutritional sciences through extensive national and international research collaborations. It is committed to outstanding research, world-class education for future leaders and to future-proofing New Zealand’s food industries.

The New Zealand Food Safety Science & Research Centre

In a unique partnership with government and industry, this centre draws on scientific expertise from three Crown Research Institutes, three universities and the Cawthron Institute. It aims to provide research for decision-making within public health and the food industry – focusing on improving hazard detection in food production and reducing risk of food-borne illness to consumers.

University research centres

University centres draw interdisciplinary teams of Massey academics together, working in partnership with external collaborators. They carry out world-class research, focusing on major national and international issues.

Research Centre for Hauora and Health

Covering all aspects of hauora and health research, with a focus on: epidemiology, non-communicable diseases mātauranga and kaupapa Māori, Māori and Pacific health, environmental and occupational health.

SHORE & Whāriki Research Centre

Two multidisciplinary research groups working in a Treaty of Waitangi partnership model to produce excellent research with the aim of improving health and wellbeing in Aotearoa, New Zealand and globally.

Group sitting inside a meeting house on a marae. Group sitting inside a meeting house on a marae. Group sitting inside a meeting house on a marae. Group sitting inside a meeting house on a marae.

Te Mata o Te Tau

We advance Māori scholarship by connecting scholars across disciplines, departments and research centres.

College research centres

Established across Massey, college-hosted centres provide a shared research focus to develop and showcase collective expertise and opportunities for potential postgraduate students and industry collaborators. Many are unique nationally with wide international connections and influence.

Massey Business school

Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research & Evaluation

A global hub for justice-based communication research – using participatory and culture-centred methodologies to develop community-driven com­munication solutions for building and sustaining human health and wellbeing.

Financial Education & Research Centre (Fin-Ed Centre)

Helping New Zealanders become more financially savvy by improving knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards money.

Te Au Rangahau – Māori Business Research

Connecting the Māori world with the business world through innovative research and advice to help Māori thrive in entrepreneurship and enterprise.

College of Creative Arts

Toi Āria – Design for Public Good

Toi Āria is making an impact through its commitment to people and improving lives through design-led community engagement – harnessing design and creativity for positive social change.

College of Health

Nutrition & Dietetic Centre, Auckland

We offer personalised nutritional advice and assessments and nutrition education talks.

Sleep/Wake Research Centre

Advancing and applying scientific knowledge about sleep and waking function.

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Centre for Research in Mathematics Education

Bringing together experts in mathematics education to work on a common theme: the place of mathematics education and its transformative potential.

Equity Through Education

Established to promote equity, social justice and diversity in and through education and to support the creation of more equitable education systems in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Joint Centre for Disaster Research

An international centre for research and teaching in disaster risk and emergency management.

Joint Centre in Applied Linguistics with Beijing Language & Culture University

Based on Massey's Auckland campus, we connect New Zealand-based language and linguistics researchers with their counterparts in Beijing to exchange new ideas, and explore the best ways to teach Chinese (Mandarin) and train and resource teachers.

College of Sciences

Al Rae Centre for Genetics & Breeding

Conducting genetics and genomics research, with projects that benefit New Zealand’s agricultural sector.

Animal Welfare Science & Bioethics Centre

Internationally recognised centre of excellence for animal welfare science and bioethical analysis.

Centre for Parallel Computing

Investigating parallel computing and its applications in scientific research – at type of computing where multiple instructions are executed at the same time by different cores, processors or machines.

Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics

Advancing and disseminating knowledge in theoretical/computational chemistry and physics.

Farmed Landscapes Research Centre

Teaching and research on nutrient and environmental management for agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

Infectious Disease Research Centre

An interdisciplinary, infectious disease research hub hosted by Massey. We are engaged in applied research concerning multihost pathogens, and fundamental research regarding pathogen evolution and disease emergence.

Volcanic Risk Solutions

A centre for applied volcanic hazard and risk management research, developing scientific advances in volcanology in practical risk-management strategies for New Zealand and Southwest Pacific communities, businesses and government agencies.


Wildbase at Massey's Manawatū campus has Wildbase Hospital, pathology, wildlife research, and oiled wildlife response.

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