Qualification types & levels
Learn about Massey's range of qualifications and get to grips with key study terms like credits, levels and courses.
Planning your courses
Find the information you need to start planning the courses for your qualification.
Skills needed for study
Advice, tests and resources to help with your reading, academic writing, note-taking, maths and science skills.
Workshops for distance students to attend in person
Some courses for distance students include contact workshops that you have to attend in person.
Recommended & maximum student workloads
Find out how many courses we recommend you do for a balanced workload, and the maximum number you can do each semester.
Time limits to complete qualifications
We set time limits on how long you can take to complete your qualification, to help you succeed.
Academic advice to help with planning
Academic advisers can help you plan your qualification, enrol into courses and stay on track with your study.
Academic progress monitoring
Academic progress monitoring helps us to see how you are progressing in your studies.
Prospectus booklets & guides
Download a prospectus or guide to help you with your study choices at Massey.
Work-integrated learning
Work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences allow you to put theory into practice.
Study while at secondary school with Accelerate+
With Accelerate+ students studying in year 12 or year 13 can complete university-level courses while at school.