Te whakahua i te reo Māori me te ōna whakamāramatanga , Te reo Māori pronunciation and translations

Te rapu āwhina hei whakahua i te reo Māori, ngā whakamāoritanga pēnei me ngā whakataukī, ngā taputapu o ia rā, me te tono kawhe.

Get information on te reo Māori pronunciation, along with translations for things like proverbs, common objects, and even ordering coffee.

Tōku reo, tōku ohooho
Tōku reo, tōku māpihi maurea
Tōku reo, tōku whakakai marihi

My language is my cherished possession
My language is the object of my affection
My language is my precious adornment

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, tēnā koutou katoa.

Te reo Māori is the indigenous language of Aotearoa New Zealand, and one of our three official languages. Using te reo Māori breathes life into the university's communication and promotes the retention, transmission and development of the language. By using te reo Māori correctly you’ll be contributing to Matua Reo Kaupapa – the Māori Language Policy for Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa. 

Nō reira e hoa mā, mā te kōrero i te reo e ora ai.
It is by using the language, it will live.


How to pronounce te reo Māori vowels and consonants, and listen to our audio guides.

Close-up of traditional wooden Māori carving Close-up of traditional wooden Māori carving Close-up of traditional wooden Māori carving Close-up of traditional wooden Māori carving

Te whakauru i te reo ki ngā reta & ngā īmēra
Using te reo in letters & emails

Learn how to use te reo to write dates, open and sign off emails or letters, and create an "out of office" message.

Close-up of a traditional Maori wooden carving Close-up of a traditional Maori wooden carving Close-up of a traditional Maori wooden carving Close-up of a traditional Maori wooden carving

Te tono kawhe i te reo Māori
Ordering coffee in te reo Māori

How to order your favourite kawhe (coffee) in te reo Māori.

Close-up of a coffee cup and a pamphlet on how to order coffee in te reo Māori Close-up of a coffee cup and a pamphlet on how to order coffee in te reo Māori Close-up of a coffee cup and a pamphlet on how to order coffee in te reo Māori Close-up of a coffee cup and a pamphlet on how to order coffee in te reo Māori

Māori proverbs

Learn some whakataukī about aroha (love) and listen to the pronunciation of some other common whakataukī in te reo Māori.

Close-up of traditional Māori weaving Close-up of traditional Māori weaving Close-up of traditional Māori weaving Close-up of traditional Māori weaving


Karakia are ritual chants or prayers spoken in te reo Māori. Learn a simple karakia to use at your next hui (meeting).

Close-up of two people performing a Karakia – Incantation, in traditional Maori cloaks Close-up of two people performing a Karakia – Incantation, in traditional Maori cloaks Close-up of two people performing a Karakia – Incantation, in traditional Maori cloaks Close-up of two people performing a Karakia – Incantation, in traditional Maori cloaks

Idioms and colloquialisms

Try out these kīwaha (idioms and colloquialisms).

Ngā taputapu
Common objects

Learn the te reo translations for a list of common household objects.

Exterior of a marae, with large areas of concrete paving and fixed seating in the foreground Exterior of a marae, with large areas of concrete paving and fixed seating in the foreground Exterior of a marae, with large areas of concrete paving and fixed seating in the foreground Exterior of a marae, with large areas of concrete paving and fixed seating in the foreground