Plan for your career
While we’ll never tell you what to do, or what to be, we will tell you that it’s never too early to start planning for your career. Part of that planning means knowing what your options are.
The Massey Career Centre can help you explore your career options based on:
- what you’re studying
- your interests
- the skills you already have
- your values
- what kind of work suits your personality.
We’ll ask you what kind of difference you want to make in the world, and help you work out how you can make it happen through your choice of career.
Exploring your options
If you want to look at the career options your degree or qualification could lead you to, here are some ideas to get you started.
Some of our programme pages include information about career options for different degrees, certificates and diplomas. Search for your qualification on the programme list and check out the "Careers" section for more information.
Discover some career options for your qualification
You can also get advice on choosing and planning a programme of study from our academic advisers.
Get advice on choosing programmes and courses
Work while studying
Put your Massey learning into practice, by undertaking work-integrated learning (WIL) activities and internships, vacation work, volunteering and/or other forms of work experience. This will help you make sure you’re on the right path with your career choice.
As a Massey student, you have access to your online job vacancies board NZUni Talent. You can use this to look for jobs while you study, and for graduate roles.
Your NZUni Talent jobs board
NZUni Talent is our online job vacancies board available to all Massey students. You’ll be able to look for jobs while you study and when you’re ready to graduate.
Our job listings include full-time and part-time options including:
- new graduate and early professional roles
- internships
- volunteer jobs
- holiday or summer jobs.
You can set your work preferences, so you’ll only see the kind of jobs you’re interested in.
In your final year of study, you can request graduate access that will give you access to this useful platform for an additional three years. To do this, click ‘Graduate access’ under your profile on the top right of Massey Career Centre home page.
Work Integrated Learning, Ako Tūhono
It’s a great idea to undertake work-integrated learning (WIL) activities, as these offer you a chance to put the theory you're learning through Massey into practice.
Explore Work Integrated Learning (WIL) further.
Career events
We hold career events throughout the year. Our events include:
- career talks
- workshops
- online seminars
- employer presentations.
You can sign up for any events you’re interested in and use them to get advice, ask questions, and meet potential employers. Attending events can be a great way to connect with organisations interested in hiring Massey students for work experience or graduate roles.
Employers take part in our career events both on campus and online. If they have Massey graduates working for them already, they'll often bring them along to events too. Hearing about the recruitment process and the workplace from employers and former Massey students can give you valuable insight into an organisation.
Accessing our services through MyHub
You can access Massey Career Centre through MyHub, a digital platform for Massey students and recent Massey graduates. You’ll get access to MyHub when you enrol – it’s available to everyone, regardless of whether you’re studying on campus, or online as a distance student.
Once logged into your MyHub account, click Massey Career Centre online, where you will be able to:
- check out the job listings
- access our career resources, which include articles, videos and short courses on things like making a job application, writing a CV, and preparing for interviews.
Through MyHub, you can also find out about upcoming career events and sign up to attend.
Massey Career Centre on MyHub (requires login)
Making an appointment
We have one Careers Consultant on the Auckland campus, and one on the Manawatū campus. In-person appointments are possible on these campuses, and we can help by ‘phone, zoom or email regardless of where you’re based. To make an appointment email: careersupport@massey.ac.nz