Ko wai mātou
Who we are
Meet our Māori professors, leaders and academics, find out what they do, and be inspired by some of our students and alumni.

Ko wai mātou o Māori @ Massey
About Māori @ Massey
Learn about Māori @ Massey's whakapapa, discover our strategy, and how we champion the development and aspirations of Māori.

School of Māori Knowledge
Te Pūtahi-a-Toi
Te Pūtahi-a-Toi produces graduates and research inspired by te ao Māori (the Māori world).

Ako tahi
Study with us
Study options and scholarships for Māori students, and Māori research centres.

He ringa āwhina tauira Māori
Māori student support
We provide support and offer study advice to students through our Māori student centres, advisers and associations.

He tautoko ā-ako mō te ako paerua, ako kairangi
Māori postgraduate & doctoral study support
We offer postgraduate and doctoral study options for Māori students including Te Wheke a Toi and MAI.

Ngā rauemi marae
Marae and Māori spaces
We have Māori spaces and facilities available on our Manawatū and Auckland campuses, and a new marae on the Wellington campus.

Ngā whare rangahau mātauranga Māori
Māori knowledge research centres
Māori academic and research centres at Massey.

Ngā rauemi reo Māori me te tikanga Māori
Te reo Māori & tikanga resources
Find out about Māori welcomes, te reo Māori pronunciation and tikanga, and take our free online courses.

Toi Māori
Māori graphic designs
Discover how the graphic designs we use around our website reflect our philosophy and aspirations.

He mihi
E te huinga tauira e tau nei, nau mai, haere mai.
Haere mai rā ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa. Tomokia te whare ako, te whare o te mātauranga, kia tīkina mai ai ngā kete o te wānanga. Mā tēnei ara, e tutuki ai ngā wawata me ngā tūmanako e ngākaunuitia ana mō te rangi āpōpō. Haere mai ki ōna whenua kura, ko Turitea ki Manawatū, ko Ōtehā ki Ōkahukura, ko Pukeahu ki Te Ūpoko o Te Ika. Ko Te Pūrehuroa e whakahuatia nei, he rarangi whetū ki te rangi, he hīnātore ki te māramatanga. Inā hoki, ahakoa he tīmatanga, kāhore he mutunga o tēnei mahi te whai i te mātauranga. Nō reira, nau mai, kia mārama ai ngā pūmanawa, kia pakari ai ngā pūkenga. Ka ea te kōrero, mā tini, mā mano ka rapa te whai, ka hua ai te wānanga.
Koia tēnei ko te reo maioha o Te Kunenga Pūrehuroa, e tukuna atu ana ngā mihi manahau ki a koutou katoa. E rarau ki te tapuwae nui o Tāne, ko Tāne-i-te-Wānanga, ko Tāne-nui-ā-Rangi. Kia ū ki te ara, kia mau ki te mātauranga, kia manawanui ki te ako, hei oranga mātauranga mōu, mō tātou katoa. Kia toi te mana, kia tau te mauri, kia tupu te māramatanga ki a tātou katoa.
Nāku noa, nā
Professor Meihana Durie
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori
Massey University
The name Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa is a symbolic reference to the knowledge journey that you have now embarked upon. Te Pūrehuroa represents the infinite constellations of stars that radiate the skies above us, illuminating a pathway towards a future that you will cultivate and forge during your time here at Massey University.
The acquisition of knowledge brings with it a lifelong commitment to learning and is a journey without end – from inception to infinity. We encourage you to draw inspiration from the many kōrero, or ancient narratives, that make Massey University so distinctive.
In the spirit of the great knowledge seeker Tāne, we hope that your time here is fulfilling, that you prepare yourself well for the challenges ahead of you and that you may aspire to attain ultimate success.
Nāku noa, nā
Professor Meihana Durie
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori
Massey University