At Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa, we’re committed to providing a culturally rich environment for our students and staff.
Te Rau Karamu Marae
To initiate the booking process please email marae.bookings@massey.ac.nz.
Please include:
- preferred date(s)
- estimated number of attendees.
Our team will promptly respond to your inquiry and provide information on the availability for your proposed date(s). If the date(s) are available, you will be asked to complete a booking form. Please note filling out the form does not guarantee your booking. We will arrange a consultation hui with our team to discuss and finalise logistics.
Manawatū (Palmerston North)
Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, on our Manawatū campus, has a rūnanga room and a wharekai – Toi Te Ora – where we can manaaki visitors, students and staff.
Tina Blake-Ponga
Email: T.Blake-Ponga@massey.ac.nz
Phone: +64 6 951 7366 extension 84366
Te Pūtahi-a-Toi, School of Māori Knowledge
He Pūmanawa Hauora Building
Bourke Road
Massey University
Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston North
Our Auckland campus has a Māori space – Te Whare Taupua – that's home to Te Rau Tauawhi, the Māori student support centre. While it's mostly a student space, it's also used for Māori events.
Cambell Te Paa, Student Coordinator
Email: C.TePaa@massey.ac.nz
Phone: 0800 627 739 extension 43026
Te Whare Taupua
Atrium Level 1
Auckland Campus