Ngā waiata , Massey University waiata

Te waiata o te whare wānanga, tōna whakapapa, ngā kupu me te rangi.

Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa is Massey University’s official waiata. Learn the background to the waiata, see the lyrics, and listen to it being sung.

Group of women performing a waiata, dressed in full traditional Maori costume

Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa is also the Māori name for Massey University. It emphasises that the pursuit of learning is an endless journey. Taken literally, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa means “from inception to infinity”.

Our waiata highlights the university's values, imploring us to pursue excellence and set high expectations. It also highlights that knowledge should be used to uplift people, for both our individual and collective benefit.

The decision to create a waiata for the university shows consistency with our:

  • cultural diversity – because of the different environments and locations where Massey does (and will) engage
  • cultural uniqueness – through Massey's connection with local communities, and recognition of the significance of te reo Māori.

Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa is a taonga that every member of the university can embrace. You'll hear it sung at university events – like graduation, for example.

Background to the waiata

The waiata is sung to the tune of Blue Smoke, a hit song from the 1940s. Blue Smoke was written by Ruru Karaitiana, who was a member of the 28th (Māori) Battalion. He has links to Massey University both through his Rangitāne affiliations, and whānau members who have attended the university.

We're grateful for the generosity the Karaitiana whānau have shown in giving the university their approval to use the tune.

The waiata was composed by Dr Darren Joseph in consultation with Māori staff at the university, and approved by Professor Sir Mason Durie and Jacob Tapiata. Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa was launched during Te Wiki o te Reo Māori in 2011.


Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa

Nei rā te reo karanga e tau atu nei
Ki te hāpai ake i te rau tāngata
Whakaako, whakaeke ki te kōmata.
Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa.

Te ara mātauranga
Ka whakarewa e
Te māramatanga ka kitea e
Kimihia, rangahaua kia whita e.
Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa!

English explanation

Hear the call, the message
To uplift the diverse human nature
Learn and aspire to reach the pinnacle
This is the message from Massey University.

The pathways to learning
Can be inspirational
And deeper understanding can enlighten
Therefore, seek out and grasp knowledge
This is the message from our University!

Hear the tune for the waiata

Lyrics and guitar chords for Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa (PDF, 165KB)