The childcare service providers are independent. Their services include:
Auckland campus
Massey Child Care Centre Inc, Albany
Your child will feel at home in this not-for-profit early childhood centre with a history of positive Education Review Office reports and great teacher-to-child ratios. Our highly-qualified and experienced teachers nurture children from birth to six years old in a newly-built facility.
Find out more about Massey Child Care in Auckland.
- Arrange to visit Massey Child Care Centre Inc Albany
- Enrol your child at Massey Child Care Inc Albany
- Follow Massey Child Care Centre Inc Albany on Facebook
Manawatū (Palmerston North) campus
Massey Child Care Centre Inc, Palmerston North
Your child will thrive in this innovative community-oriented daycare centre. Our highly-qualified full-time teachers nurture children from birth to six years old. We're not-for-profit and have cared for the kids of Massey parents for over 40 years.
Find out more about Massey Child Care in Palmerston North.
- Arrange to visit Massey Child Care Centre Inc Palmerston North
- Enrol your child at Massey Child Care Inc Palmerston North
- Fees schedule on Massey Childcare Inc Palmerston North website
- Follow Massey Child Care Centre Inc Palmerston North on Facebook
Te Uru Karaka Kōhanga Reo
Kia ora. We offer a wonderful and unique experience for Massey whānau with tamariki aged from six months to six years old. We work hard to provide a high-quality full immersion reo Māori environment for our community. Come in and meet the caring team of kaiako in our recently-reopened Kōhanga Reo.
More about Te Uru Karaka Kōhanga Reo
Massey Kids' Club, Palmerston North
School kids aged between five and 13 love coming to after school childcare and holiday programmes at Massey Kids' Club. We can pick them up from most schools in Palmerston North and they can play, learn or rest with friends at the 'clubhouse'.
Our popular holiday programmes are also filled with fun activities and trips to keep children active and engaged.
Distance students
If you need childcare while you attend a contact workshop during a semester break, contact Massey Child Care Centre Inc in Palmerston North or Auckland (Albany) as early as you can. Places may be available if enrolled children are not attending the centre at that time, but there can be a waiting list.
Contact Massey Child Care Centres.
- Contact details for Massey Child Care Centre Inc in Palmerston North
- Contact details for Massey Childcare Centre Inc in Albany (Auckland) on Facebook
Wellington campus
Childcare facilities nearby
We do not offer childcare on the Wellington campus but there are many excellent preschool and after-school care options very near to us.
Find out about childcare options near the Wellington campus.
Massey Child Care Centre, Auckland
- Hours
7.45am drop off to 5.15pm pick up, weekdays
- Phone
+64 9 212 7200 extension 49200
- Location
5 University Ave
Massey Child Care Centre, Palmerston North
- Hours
7.45am drop off to 5.15pm pick up, weekdays
- Phone
- Website
- Location
Postal address
Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston NorthPhysical address
Bourke Road
Massey University
Palmerston North
Massey Kids' Club (Manawatū)
- Hours
Contact the Manager: Lakin Anderson, 10am to 5.30pm
Kids' Club opening hours: 3pm to 5.30pm weekdays (8am to 5.30pm in school holidays)
- Phone
+64 6 951 8800 extension 85800
- Mobile
- Location
The Massey Kids' Club is located on the Manawatū campus in Palmerston North, just behind the Recreation Centre.
Te Uru Karaka Kōhanga Reo
- Hours
8am drop off to 4.30pm pick up weekdays (closed for three weeks over Christmas break)
- Phone (tari)
+64 6 356 9099 extension 83555
- Phone (kihini)
+64 6 356 9099 extension 83554
- Location
Physical address
Te Uru Karaka Kōhanga Reo
Kōhanga Reo Road
Massey University
Palmerston NorthPostal address
Te Uru Karaka Kohanga Reo
Private Bag 11-222
Massey University
Palmerston North