We want to give you the best chance at success with your tertiary study – from becoming part of university life to figuring out the support you need to succeed and where you can get it.
Student achievement support
We want to give you the best chance of achieving at Massey. One of the ways you can be supported is through our data enabled student support programme.
We recognise that there are challenges our students face outside of the university that can impact your experience and ability to focus on your studies. We know that it isn’t always easy to ask for support or to know who to talk to for advice. It is also hard to know if you are on track and if there is anything more you should be doing.
To find out where to get help to succeed in your studies, you can reach out to a Student Achievement coach.
Email achievement@massey.ac.nz.
What can you expect?
When we notice something might not be going quite right, or where you have an opportunity to improve your chance of achieving your goals, we will reach out and offer a range of services to help. Sometimes this will by by email, sometimes text and sometimes it will be a phone call from one of our achievement coaches.
Massey has a broad range of support services available to students and we aim to help you navigate through your learning journey, provide some advice when you need it and support you in a thoughtful and respectful way.
Our coaching approach
Our Student Achievement coaches provide advice and support so you can overcome any personal or academic barriers to achievement you may experience.
Our coaching approach is strength-based. We can provide learner interventions through analytics and communication, and collaborate with Massey's wide range of student support providers to help you achieve.
How we will provide support
Our service uses data to proactively provide timely support to students. Students won't need to always reach out to us for support and advice, we will use data to notice when things may not be going so great, and we will reach out to you.
We work in partnership with all areas of the university such as Te Rau Tauawhi and Pacific Success teams.
We will also notice when things are going well for students and help you to celebrate your success. This includes giving you information on how to maximise opportunities for greater success or future study opportunities that come from high achievement.
Data enabled student support (DESS) programme
Through data analysis, we may offer specific support such as referring you to student services, providing academic advice or regularly checking in to help you get the most out of your course.
DESS uses information from your initial and ongoing enrolment applications to identify areas where you may need additional support from us. Our DESS programme follows strict ethical guidelines to ensure that we treat your data with care.
The information we analyse includes your:
- previous education records
- course/programme
- characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, nationality
- level of engagement with us and our systems
- outstanding fees status
- enrolment status and academic results
You can opt out at any time by contacting achievement@massey.ac.nz
Māori student support
Each Massey campus has a Te Rau Tauawhi (TRT) centre where you can get any kind of support you need to succeed as a Māori student.
We are a source of whanaungatanga and offer manaakitanga to all tauira at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, whether on campus or learning at a distance. No need is too small to bring to the centre.
Māori doctoral students support
Te Wheke a Toi: The International Indigenous Centre for Critical Doctoral Studies offers cultural and whānau-centred support to potential and current Māori and indigenous doctoral students specifically.
Pacific student support
If you are new to Massey or tertiary study you may find the Pacific Student Teaching Support (PSTS) useful. PSTS is available to all first-year Pacific students and connects you with a tutor who can support you to succeed.
Pacific Student Success (PSS) Advisers
Pacific students on campus and learning at a distance can also get support from Pacific Student Success Advisers. Student support, distance learning and postgraduate advisers can give you support with Pacific culture at the core.
Learn about support for Pacific students and find support team members
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