Why charges vary
Seeing a doctor at our student health centres costs much less than other health centres. What you pay for appointments or other services differs depending on if you:
- see a doctor or a nurse
- are a casual patient, or registered with the student health centre as your main healthcare provider through their Primary Health Organisation (PHO)
- have a Community Services Card
- are making an accident (ACC) claim.
If you're not enrolled with your campus health centre but hold a Community Services card, you will still receive a discount.
ACC charges are additional to charges to see a doctor or nurse, and will be added to the cost of your consultation.
If you're an international student, you can register as a patient. You must have medical insurance.
Insurance for international students
Your student services fee contributes some funding towards student health centre costs, which is why we can keep our charges down.
Some charges are different at each campus. The reason is that each campus health centre is funded by a different regional Primary Health Organisation (PHO), which provide different levels of subsidies.
Appointment charges
The charges in these tables apply for all appointments, whether face-to-face, by video call or over the phone. Please note a charge will apply if you do not turn up to any booked appointments.
Auckland campus health centre charges
Appointment Type |
PHO registered student |
Not PHO registered student |
International student |
Doctor | $15 | $55 ($22*) | $70 |
Nurse | $10 | $35 ($15*) | $40 |
Repeat prescription** | $10 | $15 | $20 |
Urgent (same day) repeat prescription | $15 | $20 | $20 |
ACC surcharge | $10 GP / $5 Nurse | $30 ($15*) | $40 |
Did not attend appointment | $15 | $15 | $15 |
*with Community Services Card
**For urgent/same day repeat prescription requests an additional $5 fee will be charged as well as the standard fee.
Manawatū (Palmerston North) campus health centre charges
Appointment Type |
PHO registered student |
Not PHO registered student |
International student |
Doctor | $15 | $55 ($19.50*) | $70 |
Nurse | $10 | $35 | $40 |
Repeat prescription** | $10 | $15 | $20 |
ACC surcharge | $10 GP / $5 Nurse | $30 ($15*) | $35 |
Did not attend appointment | $15 | $15 | $15 |
*with Community Services Card
**For urgent/same day repeat prescription requests an additional $5 fee will be charged as well as the standard fee.
Wellington campus health centre charges
Appointment Type |
PHO registered student |
Not PHO registered student |
International student |
Doctor | $15 | $55 ($19.50*) | $70 |
Nurse | $10 | $35 ($19.50*) | $40 |
Repeat prescription** | $10 | $15 | $20 |
ACC surcharge | $10 GP / $5 Nurse | $30 ($15*) | $35 |
Did not attend appointment | $15 | $15 | $15 |
*with Community Services Card
**For urgent/same day repeat prescription requests an additional $5 fee will be charged as well as the standard fee.
Health and counselling centres
Manawatū campus Student Health and Counselling Centre (Palmerston North)
- Hours
8.30am to 4.30pm weekdays.
- Phone
- Location
The health and counselling centre is located on level one of the Registry Building, Tiritea Road, Palmerston North.
Auckland campus Student Health and Counselling Centre
- Hours
8.30am to 4.30pm weekdays.
- Phone
- Location
The health and counselling centre is located on level two of Student Central.
Wellington campus Student Health and Counselling Centre
- Hours
8.30am to 4.30pm weekdays.
- Phone
- Location
The health and counselling centre is located on the third floor of the Student Services Building.
Healthcare for distance learners
- Location
Contact the campus health and counselling centre nearest you.
Related content
Student services fee explained
Find out how the student services fee is used to support your study journey and make your academic experience better.

Counselling services
You can get counselling support if you need help to work through and understand your problems.

Insurance for international students
Understand Studentsafe and the medical and travel insurance you need to study in New Zealand.