11th Annual FLRC Workshop
held at Massey University, February 1998
Long-term Nutrient Needs for New Zealand's Primary Industries:
Global Supply, Production Requirements and Environmental Constraints
The correct citation for the proceedings is:
[Authors], 1998. [Title of paper]. In: Long term nutrient needs for New Zealand's primary industries: Global supply, production requirements and environmental constraints (Eds L D Currie and P Loganathan). Occasional report No. 11. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. pp
Papers presented:
An analysis of the potential demand for phosphate fertilizers: Sources of change and projections to 2025
Baanante, C A and Hellums, D T
Future fertiliser nutrient requirements of the New Zealand sheep and beef industry
Gillingham, A G, Gregg, P E H and Newsome, P
Future nutrient requirements of arable and vegetable crops
Williams, P H
Effect of rate of nitrogen fertiliser on cation and anion leaching under intensively grazed dairy pasture
Rajendram, G S, Ledgard, S F, Monaghan, R, Penno, J W, Sprosen, M and Ouyang, L
Partially acidulated phosphate rock fertilisers are effective in near-neutral pH soil
McLay, C D A, Liu, Q and Rajan, S S S
Hindsight and foresight: Current and predicted future trends in nutrient requirements for dairying
Roberts, A H C and Morton, J D
Future nutrient requirements of New Zealand plantation forests
Payn, T W, Skinner, M F, and Clinton,P W
Global phosphate resources
Cook, P J
Resource acquisition issues for a fertiliser manufacturer
Manning, M J
Resource acquisition issues for a direct importer
Quin, B F C and McComb, G
Cut and carry systems for nutrient recapture using examples based on sewerage effluent and dairy factory waste waters
O'Connor, M B, Singleton, P, Light, C and van Boheemen, P
Nutrient removal from farm effluents
Bolan, N S
Zeolites and constructed wetlands: Possible technologies for nutrient recapture and drainage pollution control
Nguyen, M L, Monaghan, R and Tanner, C T
Strategies for global nutrient recycling
Hedley, M J and Sharpley, A N
Modelling soluble phosphorus losses in surface runoff from a small hillslope basin in New Zealand
Rodda, H, Thorrold, B and Nguyen, M L
A framework to combine soil tests and climate data as biophysical indicators for monitoring the sustainability of pastoral soils
Faulalo, K
Financial performance measures of farm business sustainability
Shadbolt, N M