Electronics and Computer Engineering Major

The NZ universities offering a similar accredited major are:

  • AUT, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major
  • University of Auckland, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major
  • University of Auckland BE(Hons) Computer Systems major
  • University of Canterbury, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major
  • University of Waikato, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major (provisionally accredited)
  • Victoria University of Wellington, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Your options for a teach-out or transfer will depend on whether you have completed the requirements (120 credits each) for Part One, Two and Three of your qualification by the end of the 2023 academic year.

Massey's Electronics and Computer Engineering course overview (PDF, 471KB)

By the end of 2023, I will have completed Part One or Part Two

If you have completed Part One or Part Two by the end of the 2023 academic year, you will need to enrol in another NZ university’s BE(Hons) and transfer your Massey University credits towards an appropriate major. You may also be able to change major in some cases.

Transfer to:

AUT BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

In most cases, students in any year of the Massey BS(Hons) Electronics and Computer Engineering Major can transfer to AUT BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major with no additional courses or semesters of study. Recognition of Prior Learning for all courses previously passed at Massey will be provided. There are no GPA requirements.

Full details are available here: AUT - Transfer options to AUT Engineering.pdf

Any enquiries should be sent to the BE(Hons) Programme Director Xuejun (Jack) Li (xuejun.li@aut.ac.nz).

University of Auckland BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Students who have completed Part One can transfer to the University of Auckland BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major. The summer semester course ELECTENG 101 will need to be completed at UoA, starting in January.

University of Auckland Summer School information

Students who have completed Part Two can be accommodated in the University of Auckland BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major but will need individual assessment for credit transfer.

For more details see: UoA – Options for Massey transfers to UoA.pdf

Students considering this option are advised to contact the Mark Andrews m.andrews@auckland.ac.nz for assistance with planning their studies as soon as possible.

University of Auckland BE(Hons) Computer Systems major

Students who have completed Part One with a GPA above 4 can transfer to the University of Auckland BE(Hons) Computer Systems major. The summer semester course ELECTENG 101 will need to be completed at UoA.

University of Auckland Summer School information

Students who have completed Part Two can be accommodated in the University of Auckland BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major but will need individual assessment for credit transfer.

For more details see: UoA – Options for Massey transfers to UoA.pdf

Students considering these options are advised to contact Kevin Wang kevin.wang@auckland.ac.nz for assistance with planning their studies as soon as possible.

University of Canterbury BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

In most cases, students who have completed Part One will be able to transfer to Year Two of the University of Canterbury BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major after completion of the following two summer school courses. These courses will be made available online to Massey University students and there will be no need for travel to Christchurch for this study.

  • EMTH119 Engineering Mathematics 1B (15 credits) commencing 27 November 2023; and
  • Prog4fun Programming for Fun (0 credits) commencing 27 November 2023

Full details are available here: UoC - Transfer options to UoC Engineering.pdf

Students who have completed Part Two are advised to contact Neville Watson neville.watson@canterbury.ac.nz to discuss their study plans as soon as possible if they are considering transferring.

University of Waikato BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Provisionally accredited

In most cases, students who have completed Part One or Part Two can credit the majority of their courses to the programme at the University of Waikato but will need to complete a Summer School course starting in January 2024 (COMPX102). Completed practicums will also be credited.

For more details see UoW-Massey Eng credit to Waikato Eng credit.pdf

Any questions should be sent to Janine Williams (janine.williams@waikato.ac.nz).

Victoria University of Wellington BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering

In most cases, students who have completed Part One or Part Two would be able to transfer all their completed credits to the VUW BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major with no additional courses or semesters of study required.

An average of a B is required of first year BE students at VUW. Any transferring students with a somewhat lower grade would still be able to transfer into the BE but would need to perform at around the B level in the subsequent year, or they would need to transfer to the BSc. Students with lower GPAs could consider transferring directly into the BSc(Electronic and Computer Systems).

Further details are available here: VUW - Massey to VUW Transfers.pdf

Enquiries of an academic nature should be made to Christopher Hollitt (christopher.hollitt@vuw.ac.nz).

By the end of 2023, I will have completed Part Three

If you have completed all the requirements for Parts One, Two, and Three and are ready to begin Part Four in 2024 you have the option of completing your study at Massey University or transferring to another university.

Completion of the Massey University BE(Hons) through study at Massey University

Students who choose the teach-out option will remain enrolled in their current Massey University BE(Hons) and major. You will complete your qualification through Massey University courses at the Auckland or Manawatū campus.

Teach-out at Massey University is only available for the 2024 academic year. If you intend to study part time and will not finish in 2024, you will need to look at options to either:

  • Complete some of your Part Four through Massey University in 2024 and complete remaining courses at another university in 2025 to credit to your Massey University qualification.
  • Transfer to another university to complete Part Four entirely (see below).

Transfer to:

AUT BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

In most cases, students in any year of the Massey BS(Hons) Electronics and Computer Engineering Major can transfer to AUT BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major with no additional courses or semesters of study. Recognition of Prior Learning for all courses previously passed at Massey will be provided. There are no GPA requirements.

Full details are available here: AUT - Transfer options to AUT Engineering.pdf

Any enquiries should be sent to the BE(Hons) Programme Director Xuejun (Jack) Li (xuejun.li@aut.ac.nz).

University of Auckland BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Students who have completed Part Three can be accommodated in the University of Auckland BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major but will need individual assessment for credit transfer.

For more details see: UoA – Options for Massey transfers to UoA.pdf

Students considering this option are advised to contact Mark Andrews m.andrews@auckland.ac.nz for assistance with planning their studies as soon as possible.

Universite of Canterbury BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Students who have completed Part Three are advised to contact Neville Watson neville.watson@canterbury.ac.nz to discuss their study plans as soon as possible if they are considering transferring.

University of Waikato BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Provisionally accredited

Students who have completed Part 3 would need to complete some additional courses at UoW before proceeding to Year 4 and thus would have their study extended by one year.

Completed practicums will be credited.

For more details see UoW-Massey Eng credit to Waikato Eng credit.pdf

Any questions should be sent to Janine Williams (janine.williams@waikato.ac.nz).

Victoria University of Wellington BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering

In most cases, students who have completed Part Three would be able to transfer all their completed credits to the VUW BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major with no additional courses or semesters of study required. You would need to take EEEN313 Power Electronics and Electrical Machines, as a directed individual studies (elective) course to meet the core technical competencies of the major as established through accreditation, in place of another elective.

Further details are available here: VUW - Massey to VUW Transfers.pdf

Enquiries of an academic nature should be made to Christopher Hollitt (christopher.hollitt@vuw.ac.nz).

By the end of 2023, I will have completed some of Part Four

If you have completed all the requirements for Parts One, Two, and Three and have completed some courses towards Part Four, you have the option of completing your study at Massey University or at another university.

Completion of remaining courses at Massey University

Students who choose the teach-out option will remain enrolled in their current Massey University BE(Hons) and major. You will complete your qualification through Massey University courses at the Auckland or Manawatū campus.

Teach-out at Massey University is only available for the 2024 academic year. If you intend to study part time and will not finish in 2024, you will need to look at options to either

  • Complete some of your Part Four through Massey University in 2024 and complete remaining courses at another university in 2025 to credit to your Massey University qualification.
  • Transfer to another university to complete Part Four entirely.

Completion of the Massey University BE(Hons) through study at another university

Individual courses can be taken at other universities and then credited back to your Massey University BE(Hons) degree if they are similar to those you need to complete.

You will need to

  1. Investigate whether the courses you need are offered at another university. A list of universities offering similar programmes to Massey’s BE(Hons) Electronics and Computer Engineering is below. Similar courses may be offered in another university’s third- or fourth-year BE(Hons),
  2. Investigate whether your Massey courses can count as prerequisites for courses you may wish to take at another university. We suggest you make direct contact with the other university for advice. Contacts can be found below.
  3. Check that the courses are suitable for crediting back to your Massey University degree. You should do this by contacting Massey’s Academic Advisers – Academic advice for choosing and planning study

AUT BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Study Electrical & Electronic Engineering Honours - AUT

For details of papers equivalent to Massey courses see AUT - Transfer options to AUT Engineering.pdf

Any enquiries should be sent to the BE(Hons) Programme Director Xuejun (Jack) Li (xuejun.li@aut.ac.nz).

University of Auckland, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Undergraduate study in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - The University of Auckland

Students considering this option are advised to contact Mark Andrews m.andrews@auckland.ac.nz for assistance with planning their studies as soon as possible.

University of Canterbury, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Subjects | University of Canterbury

Students are advised to contact Neville Watson neville.watson@canterbury.ac.nz to discuss their study plans as soon as possible.

University of Waikato, BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering major

Provisionally accredited

Electrical and Electronic Engineering – BE(Hons): University of Waikato

For details of papers equivalent to Massey courses see UoW-Massey Eng credit to Waikato Eng credit.pdf

Any questions should be sent to Janine Williams (janine.williams@waikato.ac.nz).

Victoria University of Wellington BE(Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Requirements | Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons)) degree | Victoria University of Wellington (wgtn.ac.nz)

Students are advised to contact Christopher Hollitt (christopher.hollitt@vuw.ac.nz) to discuss their study plans as soon as possible.