Dr Joanna McKenzie staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518109

Dr Joanna McKenzie BVSc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

School of Veterinary Science

My major interest is in bringing the multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral  One Health concept to reality through education, research and in particular the development and implementation of integrated policies and operational programs to manage zoonotic disease and antimicrobial resistance in people, domestic animals and wildlife.  For the past four years I have been consultant to Mott MacDonald, management agent for the UK government Fleming Fund programme to strengthen One Health AMR surveillance in 24 countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Africa and Eastern and Southern Africa. I am also the One Health lead for an Australian government funded programme to strengthen AMR management capacity in four Pacific Island countries. Previously, I was  Academic Director for Massey University’s EU-funded ‘Education into Action’ program in South Asia (April 2014 – April 2017), leading a two-year full time Postgraduate One Health Epidemiology Fellowship Program involving 24 public health, animal health and wildlife health professionals who were based in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. The program, involved: 

  • integrated Master of Veterinary Medicine (Biosecurity) and Master of Public Health (Biosecurity) degrees
  • an applied epidemiology programme involving design and evaluation of integrated policies for controlling zoonotic diseases and implementing field epidemiology studies
  • a professional engagement program to strengthen relationships with national and regional institutionsizo
  • a train the trainer program to develop a curriculum and materials for investigating and managing novel zoonotic disease outbreaks.

I have strong interpersonal skills, cultural understanding and am perceptive of human relationships. Through my involvement with research and teaching in South Asia, I have developed an understanding of the continuing education needs of professionals across multiple health disciplines and have well-developed skills in the design, organisation and delivery of continuing education programmes that meet these needs. I have been involved in managing complex relationships to build collaboration between government human and animal health institutions to facilitate the implementation of a One Health approach to zoonotic disease investigation and management. Likewise, I take a collaborative and participatory approach to establishing an organisational structure that supports delivery of our education and research programs in South Asia.

I am strongly interested in policy-focused research to control zoonotic diseases involving humans, domestic animals and/or wildlife. I have experience and understanding of the particular challenges involved in wildlife disease research, through many years of researching the epidemiology of tuberculosis in wild animals in New Zealand.   I led multi-disciplinary teams to prepare national wildlife disease and vector-borne disease surveillance strategies for New Zealand and developed methodology to prioritise wildlife pathogens for risk-based surveillance. Most recently I developed and taught Master’s level papers on wildlife epidemiology and ecosystems health.

I have been extensively involved in international consultancy advising on managing animal disease risks in the South Pacific, Southeast and South Asia, including strengthening biosecurity systems for maintaining freedom from economically important diseases plus early detection and response for disease incursions. I developed a strategic plan and ran training programs for strengthening veterinary epidemiology, and provided expert advice and training in surveillance systems for avian influenza in Southeast Asian countries.

I have a passion for multi-disciplinary research and teaching to strengthen One Health approaches to managing zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance, I currently advise on One Health AMR surveillance in the Pacific, Asia and Africa. I led the academic program for an EU-funded One Health capacity building project in South Asia and have worked extensively on strengthening biosecurity and epidemiology services in Asia and the Pacific. I have led multi-disciplinary teams to prepare wildlife and vector-borne disease surveillance strategies for New Zealand and prioritise wildlife pathogens for risk-based surveillance. My research has focused on One Health zoonotic disease control policies.

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  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science - Massey University (1979)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (2000)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Joanna McKenzie, Veterinary Council of New Zealand

Research Expertise

Research Interests

My major research interest is a multi-disciplinary One Health approach to investigating and managing zoonotic diseases in people, domestic animals and wildlife. Over the past four years I have been coordinating a research program involving twenty collaborative research investigation projects in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), covering brucellosis, leptospirosis, rabies, anthrax, avian influenza, Nipah virus, scrub typhus, Japanese encephalitis, Q fever and Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever.

I am particularly interested and experienced in investigating and managing the role of wildlife in zoonotic diseases. I researched the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in wild animals in New Zealand for many years which was also the topic of my PhD (2000), with a particular focus on spatial epdeimiology and use of remotely sensed habitat data to predict wild animal populations and disease distribution.  I have experience in the challenges of conducting field research into wildlife disease, with involvement in a multi-year longitudinal study of tuberculosis in possums.

Biosecurity is another major area of interest, experience and exertise, in particular disease surveillance. I led multi-disciplinary teams to review surveillance systems and prepare national wildlife disease and vector-borne disease surveillance strategies for New Zealand and developed methodology to prioritise wildlife pathogens for risk-based surveillance. I have designed and implemented surveillance for avain influenza in New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.

Research Opportunities

  • TBC  (27/11/2014) TBC


Health and Well-being, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000): Veterinary Epidemiology (070704): Veterinary Sciences (070700)



One Health


Disease control

Disease surveillance

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Phase II - Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health, including Animal Health, the Environment and Practitioner Engagement (AMROH) South Asia (SA)

Date Range: 2024 - 2025

Funding Body: Mott MacDonald Ltd

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Pereira, A., Sidjabat, HE., Davis, S., Vong da Silva, PG., Alves, A., Dos Santos, C., . . . Ting, S. (2024). Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Escherichia coli and Salmonella Species Isolates from Chickens in Live Bird Markets and Boot Swabs from Layer Farms in Timor-Leste. Antibiotics. 13(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Ferdinand, AS., McEwan, C., Lin, C., Betham, K., Kandan, K., Tamolsaian, G., . . . Howden, BP. (2024). Development of a cross-sectoral antimicrobial resistance capability assessment framework. BMJ Global Health. 9(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Zangpo, T., Phuentshok, Y., Dorji, K., Dorjee, C., Dorjee, S., Jolly, P., . . . McKenzie, J. (2023). Environmental, Occupational, and Demographic Risk Factors for Clinical Scrub Typhus, Bhutan. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 29(5), 909-918
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Penjor, K., Marquetoux, N., Dorji, C., Dorjee, S., Dorjee, C., Jolly, PD., . . . McKenzie, JS. (2020). Evaluation of post-exposure prophylaxis practices to improve the cost-effectiveness of rabies control in human cases potentially exposed to rabies in southern Bhutan. BMC Infectious Diseases. 20(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Dorji, K., Phuentshok, Y., Zangpo, T., Dorjee, S., Dorjee, C., Jolly, P., . . . McKenzie, J. (2019). Clinical and Epidemiological Patterns of Scrub Typhus, an Emerging Disease in Bhutan. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 4(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Phuentshok, Y., Dorji, K., Zangpo, T., Davidson, SA., Takhampunya, R., Tenzinla, T., . . . McKenzie, JS. (2018). Survey and phylogenetic analysis of rodents and important rodent-borne zoonotic pathogens in Gedu, Bhutan. Korean Journal of Parasitology. 56(5), 521-525
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Shrestha, R., McKenzie, JS., Gautam, M., Adhikary, R., Pandey, K., Koirala, P., . . . Heuer, C. (2018). Determinants of clinical leptospirosis in Nepal. Zoonoses and Public Health. 65(8), 972-983
[Journal article]Authored by: Collins-Emerson, J., McKenzie, J.
van Andel, M., Jewell, C., McKenzie, J., Hollings, T., Robinson, A., Burgman, M., . . . Carpenter, T. (2017). Predicting farm-level animal populations using environmental and socioeconomic variables. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 145, 121-132
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Dahal, R., Kakkar, M., Debnath, N., Rahman, M., Dorjee, S., . . . Devleesschauwer, B. (2016). One Health research and training and government support for One Health in South Asia. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology. 6(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Reid, SA., McKenzie, J., & Woldeyohannes, SM. (2016). One Health research and training in Australia and New Zealand. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology. 6(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Tenzin, T., McKenzie, JS., Vanderstichel, R., Rai, BD., Rinzin, K., Tshering, Y., . . . Ward, MP. (2015). Comparison of mark-resight methods to estimate abundance and rabies vaccination coverage of free-roaming dogs in two urban areas of south Bhutan. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 118(4), 436-448
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Tenzin, T., McKenzie, JS., Vanderstichel, R., Rai, BD., Rinzin, K., Tshering, Y., . . . Ward, MP. (2014). Comparison of mark-resight methods to estimate abundance and rabies vaccination coverage of free-roaming dogs in two urban areas of south Bhutan. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., McKenzie, J., Byrom, A., Nugent, G., Shepherd, J., & Yockney, I. (2013). Spatial prediction of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) distribution using a combination of remotely sensed and field-observed environmental data. Journal Wildlife Research. 40(7), 578-587 Retrieved from http://www.publish.csiro.au/WR/WR13028
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., McKenzie, J., Byrom, AE., Nugent, G., Shepherd, J., & Yockney, I. (2013). Spatial prediction of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) distribution using a combination of remotely sensed and field-observed environmental data. Wildlife Research. 40(7), 578-587
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Vink, WD., McKenzie, JS., Cogger, N., Borman, B., & Muellner, P. (2013). Building a foundation for 'one health': An education strategy for enhancing and sustaining national and regional capacity in endemic and emerging zoonotic disease management. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 366, 185-205
[Journal article]Authored by: Borman, B., Cogger, N., McKenzie, J.
Sonnberg, S., Phommachanh, P., Naipospos, TSP., McKenzie, J., Chanthavisouk, C., Pathammavong, S., . . . Webster, RG. (2012). Multiple introductions of avian influenza viruses (H5N1), Laos, 2009–2010. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 18(7), 1139-1143 Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid1807.111642
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., McKenzie, J., & Stevenson, MA. (2011). Contact patterns as a risk factor for bovine tuberculosis infection in a free-living adult brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula population. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 100(3-4), 221-230
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Rawdon, TG., Stanislawek, WL., Kittelberger, R., Cork, SC., Tana, T., Thornton, RN., . . . Gerber, N. (2010). Surveillance for avian influenza virus subtypes H5 and H7 in chickens and turkeys farmed commercially in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 58(6), 292-298
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Langstaff, IG., McKenzie, JS., Stanislawek, WL., Reed, CEM., Poland, R., & Cork, SC. (2009). Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza in migratory shorebirds at the terminus of the east asian-australasian flyway. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 57(3), 160-165
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., Stevenson, M., Jackson, R., & McKenzie, J. (2008). Influence of contact heterogeneity on TB reproduction ratio R<inf>0</inf> in a free-living brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula population. Veterinary Research. 39(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., Stevenson, MA., & McKenzie, J. (2008). Risk factors for bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand cattle farms and their relationship with possum control strategies. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 86(1-2), 93-106
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Douwes, J., Cheng, S., Travier, N., Cohet, C., Niesink, A., McKenzie, J., . . . Pearce, N. (2008). Farm exposure in utero may protect against asthma, hay fever and eczema. European Respiratory Journal. 32(3), 603-611
[Journal article]Authored by: Cunningham, C., Douwes, J., McKenzie, J.
Rawdon, T., Thornton, R., McKenzie, J., & Gerber, N. (2007). Biosecurity risk pathways in New Zealand’s commercial poultry industry. Surveillance. 34(3), 4-9
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., Simpson, H., & Langstaff, I. (2007). Development of methodology to prioritise wildlife pathogens for surveillance. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 81(1-3 SPEC. ISS.), 194-210
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., Simpson, H., & Langstaff, I. (2007). Development of methodology to prioritise wildlife pathogens for surveillance. PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE. 81(1-3), 194-210
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., McKenzie, J., & Stevenson, M. (2007). A descriptive spatial analysis of bovine tuberculosis in intensively controlled cattle farms in New Zealand. Veterinary Research. 38(3), 465-479
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Douwes, J., Travier, N., Huang, K., Cheng, S., McKenzie, J., Le Gros, G., . . . Pearce, N. (2007). Lifelong farm exposure may strongly reduce the risk of asthma in adults. Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 62(10), 1158-1165
[Journal article]Authored by: Cheng, S., Douwes, J., McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Morris, RS., Pfeiffer, DU., & Dymond, JR. (2002). Application of remote sensing to enhance the control of wildlife-associated Mycobacterium boris infection. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 68(2), 153-159
[Journal article]Authored by: McKenzie, J.


Woodford, J., McKenzie, JS., Jolly, P., & Jackson, R. (2016). One Health and community-based human and animal healthcare: a case study from Afghanistan. In SC. Cork, DC. Hall, & K. Liljebjelke (Eds.) One Health Case Studies: Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. (pp. 322 - 334). : 5m Publishing, Sheffield, U.K.
[Chapter]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.


McKenzie, J. (2011). End-of-assignment report - Active surveillance for HPAI.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2010). End-of-assignment report- Active surveillance for HPAI.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., & Heuer, C. (2010). End-of-assignment report- Training in applied veterinary epidemiology studies for DLS.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., Heath, A., Jakob-Hoff, R., Cane, R., Disbury, M., McGinn, D., . . . Hope, V. (2009). Development of surveillance for vectors and vector-borne disease in New Zealand: Surveillance systems design.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2009). Development of veterinary epidemiology services.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Potter, J., & McKenzie, J. (2008). Report on kakapo chick illness in 2008.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2008). Epidemiology Unit of the National Animal Health Centre- Mission report.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., Heath, A., Jakob-Hoff, R., Cane, R., Disbury, M., & Hope, V. (2008). Development of surveillance for vectors and vector-borne disease in New Zealand- Passive surveillance systems. ( Report No. 10427).
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2007). Analysis of little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) mortality in Northland using beach patrol data from 1977-2007.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2007). Consultancy report - Training in applied veterinary epidemiology for Epidemiology Unit and Department of Livestock Services Bangladesh.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2006). Samoa quarantine improvement project- Animal health advisor report - Consolidation phase visit 3.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., & Langstaff, I. (2005). A Strategy for Wildlife Disease Surveillance in New Zealand.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: McKenzie, J.


Gordon, N., Aggarwal, V., Amos, B., Buhler, C., Huszar, A., McKenzie, J., . . . Leslie, T.The UK Fleming Fund: Developing AMR surveillance capacity in low- and middle-income countries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. (pp. 40 - 40). 1201-9712.
[Conference]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Phuentshok, Y., Dorji, K., Zangpo, T., Davidson, S., Takhampunya, R., Tenzinla, T., . . . McKenzie, J.SYNANTHROPIC RODENTS AS CARRIERS OF IMPORTANT ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS - FIRST REPORT FROM BHUTAN. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE. 99 (4)(pp. 259 - 259). 0002-9637.
[Conference]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Wang, S., Morris, RS., Neumann, EN., O'Leary, BD., Sujau, M., . . . Cannon, RM. (2017). HandiResponse: Software tools for designing optimal One Health surveillance portfolio for emerging zoonotic diseases. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance. (pp. 113 - 115). : 3rd International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Jolly, P., Dorjee, S., Morris, R., & OH Epidemiology Fellows, .Symposium and scientific presentations showcasing the collaborative capacity building approaches and research outcomes of Massey University's One Health Epidemiology Fellowship programme in South Asia 2014-2016. . Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Other]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Sharma, B., Nepal, S., Gupta, BP., Dhakal, IP., Sharma, M., Dorjee, S., . . . Morris, RM. (2016, December). Predictive modelling of the change in spatial distribution of Japanese Encephalitis in Nepal due to climate change, and the benefit of modifying national control policies in response. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Penjor, K., Penjor, K., Dorji, C., Dorjee, C., Dorjee, S., McKenzie, JS., . . . Morris, R. (2016, December). An evidence-based approach to improving cost-effectiveness of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in high risk areas of Bhutan. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Chakma, S., Islam, K., Asaduzzaman, M., Islam, MN., Chowdhury, MNU., Mahmood, S., . . . Morris, R. (2016, December). Social network analysis of poultry movement and contact patterns to assess transmission potential of exotic subtypes of Avian Influenza in poultry-dense districts of Bangladesh.. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., & Jolly, PD. (2016, December). How can we achieve successful One Health outcomes through One Health education, training and capacity building?. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Jolly, P., McKenzie, J., & Dorjee, S. (2016, December). Converting One Health principles into practical action: lessons learned in South Asia. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Mahmood, S., Islam, K., Dorjee, S., & McKenzie, J. (2016, December). Experience of incorporating collaborative field epidemiological studies into a One Health policy development process for zoonotic diseases in Bangladesh. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Penjor, K., Phuentshok, Y., Dorjee, S., & McKenzie, J. (2016, December). A template for development of One Health national control policies for high priority zoonotic diseases in Bhutan. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Dorjee, S., McKenzie, J., & Jolly, P. (2016, December). Achieving Effective National and Regional Involvement in the Application of a One Health Strategy for Zoonotic Diseases. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Jolly, PD., & Dorjee S, . (2016, December). Converting one health principles into practical action. Presented at 4th International One Health Ecohealth Congress. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Jolly, PD., McKenzie, J., Dorjee, S., Neumann, E., & Morris, R. (2016, November). Strengthening Epidemiology Capacity Using a One Health Framework. Presented at 2nd International Who's Who in One Health Webinar, One Health Commission
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Shresta, R., Heuer, C., Gautam, M., Adhikary, R., Koirala, P., . . . Miller, L. (2016, November). Association of zoonotic, occupational, and environmental risk factors with clinical leptospirosis among fever patients in Kaski District, Nepal. Presented at Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 9th Annual Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Zangpo, T., Phuentshok, Y., Dorji, K., Dorjee, S., McKenzie, JS., Morris, R., . . . Jolly, P. (2016, November). Epidemiology of scrub typhus in Bhutan. Presented at Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 9th Annual Conference
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Shrestha, R., Gautam, M., Mckenzie, J., Adhikary, RP., Koirala, P., Bahadur BC, G., . . . Heuer, C. (2016). Zoonotic risk factors for leptospirosis in Kaski District, Nepal.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4th International One Health Congress. Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Collins-Emerson, J., McKenzie, J.
Tenzin, T., McKenzie, JS., Vanderstichel, R., Bir Doj, R., Rinzin, K., Tshering, Y., . . . Ward, M. (2015, November). Estimation of population size and rabies vaccination coverage of free-roaming dogs using mark-resight methods, Bhutan. Presented at 14th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Morris, R., Jolly, PD., & McKenzie, JS. (2015, November). Strengthening epidemiology capacity within a One Health framework focussed on emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases. Presented at 14th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Akbarian, Z., Ziay, G., Noormal, B., Saeed, I., Hussain, A., . . . Morris, R. (2015, November). A collaborative cross-sectional study of brucellosis and Q fever in humans and livestock in village households in Afghanistan. Presented at International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Dorjee, S., Dorjee, C., Jolly, PD., & McKenzie, JS. (2015, November). One Health Approach towards Prevention and Control of Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases in Bhutan. Presented at 1st International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences, Bhutan
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Dorjee, S., Jolly, PD., McKenzie, JS., Rahman, M., Rahman, M., & Hoque, A. (2015, March). One Health Epidemiology Fellowship Program: Building Future One Health Leadership and Capacity in South Asia. Presented at 8th One Health Bangladesh Conference. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Morris, RS., & Jolly, PD. (2014, April). Lessons learned from One Health Initiatives. Presented at INNOVATE Networking Meeting. EU One Health in Asia Program
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Jolly, PD., & Morris, RS. (2014, April). Integrating education and action for One Health in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Presented at INNOVATE Networking Meeting. EU One Health in Asia Program. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS. (2014, February). Strengthening One Health through a regional network of One Health Hubs. Presented at Sri Lanka One Health Symposium. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Morris, RS., Wang, S., Jolly, PD., McKenzie, JS., & O'Leary, BD. (2014, November). HANDIPLAN - AN INTEGRATED SOFTWARE TOOLBOX FOR DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ZOONOTIC DISEASES. Presented at OIHRN 7th Annual Conference. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., & Jolly, PD. (2014). Strengthening epidemiological capacity within a one health framework for managing emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases. In . No editors (Ed.) Australasian Epidemiologist. Vol. 21 (pp. 58 - 59). Canberra, Australia: Epidemiology in the age of the internet. Australasian Epidemiological Association Annual Scientific Meeting
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., & Borman, B. (2014). One Health: Building relationships between human and animal health professionals through epidemiology. In . No editors (Ed.) Australasian Epidemiologist. Vol. 21 (pp. 65 - 66). Canberra, Australia: Epidemiology in the age of the internet. Australasian Epidemiological Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Borman, B., McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS. (2014). Strengthening epidemiological capacity within a One Health framework for managing emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases. In . No Editors (Ed.) Australasian Epidemiologist. Vol. 21 (pp. 58 - 59). Canberra: Epidemiology in the age of the internet. Australasian Epidemiological Association Annual SCientific Meeting 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., Pleydell, E., & Jolly, P. (2013). South Asia Regional One Health Symposium. In E. Pleydell, JS. McKenzie, & P. Jolly (Eds.) Symposium Handbook. : South Asia Regional One Health Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Edited by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, JS., & Vink, W. (2013, January). Towards networked learning: leveraging the power of communications technologies for One Health capacity development. Presented at 2nd International One Health Conference. Bangkok.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.Contributed to by: McKenzie, J.
Stewart, TM., McKenzie, JS., & Vink, WD. (2012). New approaches: Embedding on-line interactive scenarios as core course components for international biosecurity practitioner training. ASCILITE 2012 - Annual conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Tertiary Education. (pp. 885 - 894).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Kadohira, M., Mizuno, S., McKenzie, J., & Yoshikawa, Y. (2010). Effect of Risk Communication Between Researchers on Risk Prioritisation of Zoonoses in Japan. . Guelph, Ontario, Canada
[Conference Poster]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Neill, M., McKenzie, J., & Stevenson, M. (2006, August). Spatial and temporal analysis of bovine tuberculosis in farmed cattle and deer. Presented at 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Taulealo, S., & McKenzie, J. (2006, August). Animal disease surveillance in Samoa. Presented at 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Langstaff, I., & McKenzie, J. (2006, August). Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza in migratory shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian flyway. Presented at 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Porphyre, T., Stevenson, M., & McKenzie, J. (2006, August). Analysis of cattle TB surveillance data to identify wildlife sources of infection. Presented at 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
Loth, L., & McKenzie, J. (2006, August). Wildlife pathology database as a source of disease surveillance information. Presented at 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2006). Prioritisation of wildlife diseases for surveillance. In Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics(pp. 1113 - 1113). , 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics: International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology & Economics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., & Langstaff I, . (2006). From whales to snails: a strategy for wildlife disease surveillance in New Zealand. In Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics(pp. 1111 - 1111). , 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics: International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology & Economics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J., & Langstaff, I. (2006, August). From whales to snails: a strategy for wildlife disease surveillance in New Zealand. Presented at 11th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.
McKenzie, J. (2006, August). Prioritization of wildlife diseases for surveillance. Presented at Eleventh Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Cairns, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.


McKenzie, JS. (2014, February). Integrating formal education and practical action to manage emerging & re-emerging diseases in Asia. : Auckland University of Technology.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: McKenzie, J.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2020 - present - The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
    One Health lead for DFAT-funded programme to strengthen capability to address AMR in people and animals in 4 Pacific Island countries (Fiji, Samoa, PNG, Solomons)
  • 2017 - present - Mott MacDonald, management agent for the UK Fleming Fund AMR surveillance program
    Advising on One Health approaches to AMR surveillance in 24 Asian and African countries, including needs assessment, designing surveillance protocols, supporting analysis and interpretation of results
  • 2015 - 2016 - European Union
    Led One Health Master's degree and applied epidemiology programs to build capacity to investigate and manage endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases in four South Asian countries
  • 2010 - 2014 - World Bank
    Delivery of Master's level teaching and leading the implementation of in-country multi-disciplinary epidemiology research projects in South Asia
  • 2007 - 2010 - Food and Agriculture Organisation
    Delivering veterinary epidemiology training advising on avian influenza surveillance, advising on strategies for strengthening veterinary epidemiology services - Lao PDR, Bangladesh and India
  • 2003 - 2005 - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (NZ)
    Review current surveillance systems for diseases in NZ wildlife, develop a national strategy for surveillance of wildlife diseases, develop methods for prioritising wildlife diseases for surveillance
  • 2002 - 2006 - URS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
    Provide expert advice and training to Samoa's Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries on biosecurity systems to protect Samoa's animal health status


  • English
    Last used: current
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 1
Co-supervisor 0 1

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2016 - Shiyong Wang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Development of a Method for Optimal Detection of Emerging Disease Incursions

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2019 - Mary Van Beest Van Andel - Doctor of Philosophy
    Extrapolating incomplete animal population and surveillance data for use in national disease control: Examples from Myanmar and New Zealand

Media and Links


  • 10 Feb 2014 - Newspaper
    Articles in The Island News & Daily News,Sri Lanka
    Article headings in 2 Sri Lankan newspapers: 'Zoonotic diseases surveillance program with Kiwi help' (The Island News) and 'Rabies claim nearly 100 lives each year' (Daily News). The researcher repres